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The inside joke well understood The nudge nudge wink wink and finishing each other's harmonies
The late night drive through italian roads trains pulling out and we're all in on the secret
where did you go we are a league to be reckoned with as we run all around the planet
and I miss the band 1 + 1 = 50 and I am imploding without you and there's not a day that goes by where I don't hear our music in my head where I don't miss traveling in your company
we’re on a plane we're in Japan in baggage claim I ask what city we just landed in the paper slips under the hotel door I'm shaking all hands a the hum-of-the-road keeps me happy
where did you go I thought we'd meet at the temple as we go all around this world
and I miss the band 1 + 1 = 50 and I am imploding without you and there's not a day that goes by where I don't hear our music in my head where I don't miss the adventure in your company
Hugs full of sweat and the late night call in tears lights that are blinding then onto the next country
The ritual huddle as we storm the stage the sense on the street of this beautiful world
I miss my family my ears are ringing the sun streams in on my unmade bed in portugal
and I miss the band 1 + 1 = 50 and I am imploding without you
and there's not a day that goes by where I don't hear our music in my head where I don't miss the pleasure of your company
The inside joke well understood The nudge nudge wink wink and finishing each other's harmonies
The late night drive through italian roads trains pulling out and we're all in on the secret
where did you go we are a league to be reckoned with as we run all around the planet
and I miss the band 1 + 1 = 50 and I am imploding without you and there's not a day that goes by where I don't hear our music in my head where I don't miss traveling in your company
we’re on a plane we're in Japan in baggage claim I ask what city we just landed in the paper slips under the hotel door I'm shaking all hands a the hum-of-the-road keeps me happy
where did you go I thought we'd meet at the temple as we go all around this world
and I miss the band 1 + 1 = 50 and I am imploding without you and there's not a day that goes by where I don't hear our music in my head where I don't miss the adventure in your company
Hugs full of sweat and the late night call in tears lights that are blinding then onto the next country
The ritual huddle as we storm the stage the sense on the street of this beautiful world
I miss my family my ears are ringing the sun streams in on my unmade bed in portugal
and I miss the band 1 + 1 = 50 and I am imploding without you
and there's not a day that goes by where I don't hear our music in my head where I don't miss the pleasure of your company