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It's been six months since we talked at all You asked me not to so I didn't call Yet it's nice to run into you Even though it might be too soon 'Cause it seems like you've been moving on
And I know you Know that I got someone new So I'll try not to say a name And I know you Know that I got someone new But to tell the truth it's not the same
She's just a distraction, I confess She'll never take up the space that you left Just a distraction, I confess Someone to hold who can help me forget
I don't wanna go off and say too much But it's hard not to you think bout the way it was It is nice to run into you Even though it might be too soon 'Cause she's alright but it isn't love
And I know you Know that I got someone new So I'll try not to say a name And I know you Know that I got someone new But to tell the truth it's not the same
She's just a distraction, I confess She'll never take up the space that you left Just a distraction, I confess Someone to hold who can help me forget, yeah
She may have my attention But we got no connection Just need to take my mind Off you, yeah She may have my attention But we got no connection Just need to take my mind Off you
She's just a distraction, I confess She'll never take up the space that you left Just a distraction, I confess Someone to hold who can help me forget, yeah
She may have my attention But we got no connection Just need to take my mind Off you, yeah She may have my attention But we got no connection Just need to take my mind Off you
It's been six months since we talked at all You asked me not to so I didn't call Yet it's nice to run into you Even though it might be too soon 'Cause it seems like you've been moving on
And I know you Know that I got someone new So I'll try not to say a name And I know you Know that I got someone new But to tell the truth it's not the same
She's just a distraction, I confess She'll never take up the space that you left Just a distraction, I confess Someone to hold who can help me forget
I don't wanna go off and say too much But it's hard not to you think bout the way it was It is nice to run into you Even though it might be too soon 'Cause she's alright but it isn't love
And I know you Know that I got someone new So I'll try not to say a name And I know you Know that I got someone new But to tell the truth it's not the same
She's just a distraction, I confess She'll never take up the space that you left Just a distraction, I confess Someone to hold who can help me forget, yeah
She may have my attention But we got no connection Just need to take my mind Off you, yeah She may have my attention But we got no connection Just need to take my mind Off you
She's just a distraction, I confess She'll never take up the space that you left Just a distraction, I confess Someone to hold who can help me forget, yeah
She may have my attention But we got no connection Just need to take my mind Off you, yeah She may have my attention But we got no connection Just need to take my mind Off you