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Home alone Trying not to eat Distract myself with pornography I hate the way she looks at me I can't stand the dialogue She would never be That satisfied, it's a male fantasy I'm going back to therapy
'Cause I loved you then and I love you now and I don't know how Guess it's hard to know When nobody else comes around If I'm getting over you Or just pretending to Be alright, convince myself I hate you
I got a call from a girl I used to know We were inseparable years ago Thought we'd get along but it wasn't so And it's all I think about When I'm behind the wheel I worry this is how I'm always gonna feel But nothing lasts, I know the deal
But I loved you then and I love you now and I don't know how Guess it's hard to know When nobody else comes around If I'm getting over you Or just pretending to Be alright, convince myself I hate you
Can't get over you No matter what I do I know I should but I could never hate you
Home alone Trying not to eat Distract myself with pornography I hate the way she looks at me I can't stand the dialogue She would never be That satisfied, it's a male fantasy I'm going back to therapy
'Cause I loved you then and I love you now and I don't know how Guess it's hard to know When nobody else comes around If I'm getting over you Or just pretending to Be alright, convince myself I hate you
I got a call from a girl I used to know We were inseparable years ago Thought we'd get along but it wasn't so And it's all I think about When I'm behind the wheel I worry this is how I'm always gonna feel But nothing lasts, I know the deal
But I loved you then and I love you now and I don't know how Guess it's hard to know When nobody else comes around If I'm getting over you Or just pretending to Be alright, convince myself I hate you
Can't get over you No matter what I do I know I should but I could never hate you