ÁLBUM Ain't That Loving You BabyRod Stewart 1990

Álbum Ain't That Loving You Baby de Rod Stewart

Información del Disco

Álbum: Ain't That Loving You Baby
Artista: Rod Stewart
Año: 1990
Tipo: Disco de estudio
Lanzamiento: 13 de Junio de 1990
Disquera: Object Enterprises Ltd.

Canciones (Tracklist)

01. Why Does It Go On
02. I Just Got Some
03. Shake
04. Bright Lights Big City
05. Just A (Little Misunderstood)
06. Keep Your Hands Off Her
07. Ain't That Loving You Baby
08. Don't Tell Nobody
09. Mopper's Blues
10. Just Like I Treat You
11. Sparky Rides
12. Red Ball Room
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