
CANCIÓNLast SummerCimorelli 


I'm just a new kid here
I don't know what I'm doing here
They're going to college next year
But I'll still be here

Says he wants to show me around
I've known him for a few weeks ago
But I'm still waiting for us to hang out
For real

And I wouldn't really call them my friends
Go for a run just to clear my head
What did he say
Did he mean what he said
It's all coming back again

This summer
It feels like
Last summer

What are you doing now
Have you got things figured out
I wonder

Do you think of me
Someone significant
Or just a number

Messing with each other's heads
Making and losing friends
Chasing happiness
I was such a mess

Last summer

Now I'm waking up
Feeling like throwing up
And it's all because of him
Should I go out
Meet them all downtown
Should I figure out what to think

She says he wants to see me again
But I think I maybe just wanna be friends
Trying to calm down
Stop freaking out
It never ends

His fingers interlaced with mine
I think about it all the time
I freaked out when I drove home
Really need to be alone
So scared but I don't want to let him know
Maybe I should really learn how to just stay home

This summer
It feels like
Last summer

What are you doing now
Have you got things figured out
I wonder

Do you think of me
Someone significant
Or just a number

Messing with each other's heads
Making and losing friends
Chasing happiness
I was such a mess

Last summer
Last summer

My barefeet, your streets
Sweatin' in the summer heat
Handshake, hearts break
I think I made a big mistake
Your face, your place
Telling me it's okay
Late fights, late nights
Good nights or goodbyes
Sunsets, read texts
What do we do next
Blurred lines, stop signs
First times, pretty eyes
Girls chasing all the guys

This summer
It feels like
Last summer
This time of night
It feels like

Last summer
Last summer
Last summer